Tuesday, February 10, 2009


tashriq....cute and handsome as his name..
tashriq....i damn in love with him...
since first day we met,u r best friend,u r my new lover,
From here on out,I'll keep you forever..
.........A good laugh,With some happy tears,You're the one I go to..................
Through all the coming years...
When it rains it rains,When it snows it snows,
I wrote this specially for you& you're the only one who knows............The night is over & we've had our fun,Out of all the men I choose just one,The best one of all & that's you TashriqQQ!!!!!
WHO is tashriq??? ill reveal soon..............tunggu............!!!

sorry, no pix available...will be release soon............
takut nanti ade org rampas...hu hu hu hu..........

p/s: selalu ingatkan diri kita....don't simply judge a book by its cover...!!! jgn selalu pandang rendah kat orang jika kita sendiri pun ade kekurangannye....nobody is perfect!!!